Friday, September 3, 2010

Pro-Choice: It's not just for abortions anymore.

Know what I really hate? Alright, alright, stop the snickering. I'll re-phrase: Know what ELSE I really hate? People who tell me one thing, then change their minds and try to tell me I was mistaken in what I was told. Nope, that just doesn't work for me. It doesn't exactly fall under the category of "Don't piss up my leg and tell me it's raining." More like "Did you just piss on my leg?" "Yes, my mistake." "Why did you do it?" "Do what?" "Piss on me?" "I didn't, it must've been rain."

See what I'm saying? But I'll take it one step further: not only do you tell me you didn't do it, you act offended that I'd accuse you of such a thing. Basically call me a liar. This very thing happened to me yesterday.

I offered someone some cash (long story, and to tell it I'd have to give a name- or a moniker- so I'll just give you the basics). Said person turned the offer down, saying they'd be fine without it. I decide to use the money to purchase some pictures for my niece of her new baby, and buy some suds (something I couldn't do when taking the vicodins, and I wanted some for the opening weekend of college football). Only after I mentioned these things did this person ask "Are you going to give me any money?" I asked for what, and was told I offered, so was I going to do it? This immediately angered me, but I thought 'Okay, I offered, perhaps I should go ahead and do it.' But first, I had to make clear to this person that they'd turned the offer down once. "Yeah, I guess, but you told me you didn't need any." "I didn't say that! I said I didn't need as much as you offered!" Nope, nope, and, uhh, nope. I have a VERY good memory (especially when the vics aren't in play, which they weren't), and I know exactly what was said. And looking at this person, I could see in their face they knew it, as well. "Yes, I'll give you some money," I say, smiling and shaking my head (which I KNEW would anger them... I figured, share the wealth, right? Meaning the anger, not the money, Roundtowners). It certainly had the intended effect. I got a "Keep your money!" and a very melodramatic exit from the room.

I'm all for choices. There's honestly not one person in this world, NOT A SINGLE ONE, who doesn't have a choice. You hear it all the time: "I didn't have a choice." Hell, even I've said it, but in truth we all have a choice, even if the choice is to live or die, or to allow someone else to live or die. So, if you make a choice and wish to change your mind, that's alright with me. It's one of the most basic human rights, to make your mind up for yourself. As long as that choice doesn't affect my right to also choose, have at it! But don't make a decision and then lie to me and say "I didn't say, mean, intend, think, iterate, portend, or CHOOSE that." It pisses me off, and it's the quickest way to make me an enemy. It's difficult for me to trust someone who's outright lied to me, to say nothing of someone who tries to make a liar OUT OF me.

This has happened with this same person once before. That time, it ended in a shouting match and the silent treatment imposed on me for a few days. This time, I didn't give this person the satisfaction. If they won't talk to me, that's fine. I have nothing to say. I laid a fifty-dollar bill right where they could find it, and it was still sitting there this morning. I told this person that if it was still there when I got back, it was mine and I would spend it as found money. I'm not going over this ground again, so you'll never know for sure what happened. But I can tell you that if history serves, that money will be gone. And that's alright with me, it was offered, turned down, asked for again, and given. My responsibility has ended. Their responsibility is to thank me. I'm not holding my breath.

That is, after all, their choice.