Thursday, September 9, 2010

Like it or not, "cultural illiterate" equals "retard."

Alright, I'm hearing a few of you loud and clear. You don't like it when I use the word "retard" in describing, well, retards. You think it's a derogatory term. In this I'd agree. But you further think it's a derogatory term for the mentally handicapped. This I disagree with, folks. Now I'll tell you why I feel this way, and why I'll continue to use the term, whether you like it or not.

Someone close to me is autistic. He's a hell of a good guy, just has some trouble in social settings with those he doesn't know. He's usually okay once he's introduced and gets to know you, but until then he retreats into the world of people and things he knows. His sister in an extrovert, and that helps him get over things rather quickly. Still, he's autistic. And if I ever heard someone call him a retard, they'd have a hell of a bigger problem than their personal social graces. I'd also not stand idly by and have someone call a mentally disabled person stupid, retarded, idiot, or any other term I'd consider derogatory if I didn't believe they could adequately defend themselves in that particular situation.

I've said it before, I don't give a fuck what you do in your own house, and I don't particularly care what you do outside it either, as long as it doesn't interfere with my or anyone else's life. You want to use the "N" word in describing a black person, that's fine with me. But unless there are black people around and you're not whispering, don't expect me to keep my mouth shut. And don't expect me to sit by and watch as you commit other social dis-graces, either (far too many examples to give, and I know you're not an idiot, you can figure these out for yourselves). But call someone with a disability names? Fuck you, asshole, ain't going to happen, not when I'm around.

Webster's dictionary defines "retard" as "to delay or slow the progress of." Are you honestly trying to tell me that this isn't EXACTLY what I've been talking about here at the Sanitorium? A culturally illiterate person or group is retarding the progress of what we call civilized society. If you want a partial list of who these people are, read the very first blog entry. The term's not derogatory for a handicapped person, though I suppose you could make the argument that the assholes I speak of are, indeed, mentally handicapped. But why split hairs? Retard's a verb. I use it as a noun because I'm not going to add "er" at the end; it doesn't have the same impact.

Maybe I should use the term "fucktard" instead.