Sunday, June 6, 2010

Nothing mixes better than vanilla and chocolate. And yet somehow racial harmony eludes us.- Jerry Seinfeld

The Miller Valley Elementary School in Arizona has had a few issues of late. It all started because a mural painted on the side of the school depicts three students of said school: one black, one hispanic, and one white. Apparently, on several occasions the school has been the victim of "drive-by racism," meaning people in cars shout racial slurs at the school as they pass. This prompted Jeff Lane, the principal of Miller Valley Elementary School, and Kevin Kapp, the school superintendent, to order the faces of the black and hispanic students on the mural be "lightened" so as to appear more caucasion. It also prompted city councilman Steve Blair to make this comment on his radio talk show (which has since been pulled off the air): "I am not a racist individual, but I will tell you depicting a black guy in the middle of that mural, based upon who's President of the United States today and based upon the history of this community, when I grew up we had four black families - who I have been very good friends with for years - to depict the biggest picture on that building as a black person, I would have to ask the question, 'Why?'" Now, aside from extremely poor sentence structure and the obvious racial overtones, I have to ask these questions of Mr. Blair's statement: "Why?" And "So what?" I won't go into the whole story, you can read it at the link below, if you'd like. But it begs the question: Why do we, as American citizens, allow this type of behavior from anyone, and most especially community leaders?

Again, I believe one of the basic rights of every human being is free speech. I believe everyone should exercise this right, if only to keep from losing this long-held ideal. However, we aren't talking about free speech anymore. Racism is, in itself, an ideal. A belief. And a very dangerous one, as history has taught us. I've come to the conclusion that predjudice against other races must be eradicated. It MUST be. Following is a letter to all you racists out there who believe you're better than anyone else simply because your skin is a different color.

Dear Racist,
I'm sorry your self esteem is so skewed. I know you're going to claim it isn't, that your beliefs are justified. BREAKING NEWS: THEY'RE NOT! And to be frank, it doesn't even matter to me or anyone else. Your time in our society is at an end. I'll no longer remain quiet while you spew your bullshit all over the place. You keep your voice low when using your derogatory terms, speak in hushed tones when calling attention to a bi-racial couple, and slowly stew in your anger when your town is "invaded" by people of a different race. I have the cure for your condition. From here on, if I hear you make a racist remark, I'm going to call attention to it by asking one simple question: "Can you speak up, please?" That's right, I'm calling you out on your beliefs. Don't be shy, speak up! Let's lay our cards on the table! Know what the best part is in all of this? Even if you are reading this, you have no fucking idea who I am. And if anyone joins me in this new movement, you won't know who they are either! You don't know if your so-called buddy at work agrees with me and decides he/she is on board. Or the man/woman sitting next to you on the bus. You haven't a fucking clue when you'll be called out. And I can't wait to try this! If you refuse to speak up, perhaps I'll say, in a rather elevated tone, "What's that you said about hispanics?" One of two things will happen: you'll either get up and leave (which is about a 99.999% probability, you fucking pussy) or you'll say it louder. What's your pride cost, you fucking prick? Oh, you'll hate me too, and that's fine. You may even drum up the guts to try to get physical, and that's fine, too. Either way, my point will be made. Without fear or regret. And you? Can you say the same? No. The bottom line is we're tired of it, asshole. There's no place for you here. Take your ideas and your attitude and go away. Because I promise you it will be tolerated no longer. There are far more of us than there are of you.

I hope everyone reading this will take it to heart. Stand with me, fellow citizens. Fellow HUMAN BEINGS. We can make it right. We can put a stop to the archaic practices of the racist. With my whole heart I believe it's time to be one race and one people. Every one of us bleeds red.

(Please visit this link if you have any doubts about how a coward's view can affect a community: )